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Atomic spectroscopy laboratories are designed to analyse the chemical composition of both solid materials (metals) and solutions. 

The chemical composition of steels, cast irons, and aluminium alloys is a fundamental parameter of these materials. The glow discharge optical emission spectrometer (GDOES) provides accurate chemical composition with little thermal influence on the base material. The sample for analysis must be compact, planar (or grindable), with a minimum size of 15 mm in diameter and a maximum of 20 cm. The maximum thickness is 30 mm. This method is semi-destructive - the material is pulverised (a 4 mm diameter 'burnt circle' remains on the material). The GDA 750 also allows profile analysis, which gives a graphical dependence of the chemical composition of the material on the time of analysis (also on the depth in the case of galvanised material). Planar compact materials with a surface finish (galvanised, chrome plated, aluminium plated, ....) can be analysed.


  • Glow discharge optical emission spectrometry (GDOES): Spectruma GDA 750

Contact person:  Ing. Vontorová Jiřina, Ph.D.

  • Atomic absorption spectrometer with flame atomization: Varian AA280 FS

Contact person:  Ing. Vontorová Jiřina, Ph.D., doc. Ing. Ritz Michal, Ph.D.

  • Atomic absorption spectrometer with electrothermal atomization: Varian AA280 Z

Contact person: doc. Ing. Ritz Michal, Ph.D.
